Advance Design of Structures ( As per New syllabus of SBTE, Bihar)

Previous Year Question paper for 6th Semester Diploma Civil Engineering - ADVANCED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES

(Subject Code-2015603)

Here, All questions are given from previous year exam as per old syllabus of SBTE, Bihar. These questions are highly recommended for subject ADVANCED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES as per new syllabus of SBTE Bihar 6th semester Civil Engineering.

Section-1 (RCC)

1. Explain the difference between one way slab and tow way slab. (4 marks)

2. A T-beam has the following data: bf =2000mm; Df = 150mm; bw =300mm; d = 1000mm. calculate the limiting moment capacity of the section and corresponding area of tension reinforcement. use M20 and Fe 415 grade of steel.   (6 marks)

3. Design an RCC slab with a clear spine of 3m supported on the sides over a 230 mm thick wall and its carrying a live load of 3 KN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel .       (6 marks)

4. Design an RCC slab of size 4m 5m simply supported on all four sides with corners not held down. The slab is carrying a load of 4KN/m2 including floor finish. Use M20 and Fe 415 steel.                     (6 marks )

5. Design a square footing of uniform thickness for an axially loaded column of 400mm x 400mm size. the safe bearing capacity of soil is160  KN/m2 and load on column is 800KN. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.                   (6 marks)

6. What are the types of footings ? Give its suitable sketches                     (4 marks)

7. What is a one way slab ? Explain the procedure of designing it.       (4 marks)   

8. Determine the limiting moment of resistance and limiting area of a steel for a reinforced concrete T - Beam having effective flange width of 1600 mm effective depth of 350 mm and thickness of flange 100 mm. The width of the web is 250 mm. Use M20 concrete and Fe 500 steel.    (6 marks)

9. Design a one way slab having dimensions 4m x 9m simply supporte
d at ends. The live load may be taken as 1.5 KN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 250 steel. Show the arrangement of reinforcement in the slab. Check in share and development length only.(6 marks)

10. Design a two way RCC slab for a room 4m x 4.5m supported on all four edges with corners are free to lift. The slab carries a superimposed load of 4 KN/m2 including floor finish. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 Steel. Show the arrangement of 
reinforcement in the slab. Check in shear only. (6 marks).

11.Design a square footing of uniform thickness for an axially loaded column of 400mm x 400mm size. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 150 KN/m2. Load on the column is 1800 KN. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Check in shear only. (6marks)

12. What is cantilever chajja? Give the points to be considered while designing a cantilever chajja. (4 marks)

13. What is a two way slab? what are the types of two way slab? (4 marks)

14. How do you locate the critical section for calculating maximum bending moment and one way shear for a square footing as per IS code provision along with sketches. (4 marks)

15. Find the moment of resistance of a T- beam having a web width of 240mm, effective depth of 400mm, flange width of 740mm and flange thickness equal to 100mm. The beam is reinforced with 5-16mm dia bar. Use Fe 415 and M20 concrete. (6marks)

16. Design a cantilever slab for an overhang of 1.25m. The imposed load on slab consists of 1 KN/m2 of live load and weight of finishing is 800 N/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Check for shear and development length only. (6 marks)

17. Design an RCC slab for a room 4m x 5m. The slab is supported on walls of width 300mm. The slab is carrying a live load of 4KN/m2 and floor finish 1 KN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. The corners are free to lift. Check for Shear only. (6 marks)

18. Design a square footing with uniform depth for an axially loaded column with 750 KN load. Size of column is 300mm x 300mm and safe bearing capacity of soil is150 KN/m2. Use M20 and Fe415 steel.   (6 marks)

19. How moment of resistance of T-beam is determined? Write various steps.  (4marks)

20. Write various steps of design of cantilever chajja.  (4 marks)

21. Find the moment of resistance of a T- beam having a web width of 250mm, effective depth of 400mm, flange width of 700mm and flange thickness equal to 100mm. The beam is reinforced with 5-16mm dia bar. Use Fe 415 and M20 concrete. (6marks)

22. Design a cantilever chhajja of span 2m. It is carrying a live load of 1 KN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. (6 marks)

23. Design an RCC slab for a room of 3m x 4m. Superimposed load on the slab is 4 KN/m2. The slab is simply supported on the four sides and its corners are free to lift. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.    (6 marks)

24. Design a one way slab having dimensions 3m x 8m simply supported at ends. Live load may be taken as 2.5 KN/m2, use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Show the arrangement of reinforcement in the slab . Check in shear and development length only.  (6 marks)

25. Design a square footing of uniform thickness for an axially loaded column of 450mm x 450mm size. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 160 KN/m2. Load on the column is 1500 KN. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 Steel.Check in shear only.   (6 marks)

26. Write various steps to check two ways shear in a footing.     
 (4 marks)

27. Write the need of distribution reinforcement in a slab.    
(4 marks)

28. An isolated simply supported T-beam has a flange effective width of 2000mm and flange thickness of 120 mm. The effective span of the beam is 4.5mm. The effective depth of the beam is 550mm and its width 300mm. It is reinforced with 8 - 18mm φ bars. Determine the moment of resistance of the section. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.     (6 marks)

29. Design a cantilever slab for an overhang 1.50m. The imposed load on the slab may be taken as 1 KN/m2. The weight of finishing is 0.8KN/m2. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Show the arrangement of reinforcement in the slab. Check in shear and development length only.  (6 marks)

30. Design an RCC slab for a room 4m x 4m. The slab carries a live load of 3500 N/m2 including floor finish. The slab is simply supported at all the four edges with corners free to lift. Show the arrangement of reinforcement in the slab. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Check in shear only.  (6 marks)

31.An RCC column 300mm x 300mm in section has an effective length of 3m. It is reinforced with 6 - 20 φ bars. Find the safe load the column can carry. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. (6marks)

32. Design a square footing of uniform thickness for an axially loaded column of 300mm x 300mm size. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 150 KN/m2.  Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Load on column is 750 KN. Check in shear only.    (6 marks)

Section-2 (Steel Structures)

33. What factors influence the selection of a rolled steel section?  (4 marks)

34. Explain different types of riveted joint with sketch.  (4 marks)

35. What is a rivet? What are different types of rivets?  (4 marks)

36. Explain different types of butt welds with sketches.  (4 marks)

37. Write about different welding processes.    (4 marks)

38. How will you calculate the net area of plates connected by staggered riveting? (4 marks)

39. What are the different types of beam sections of steel and their application.  (4 marks)

40. Calculate the suitable pitch for double cover butt joint for 20mm thick plates. Given that pitch for inner row of rivets is half the pitch for outer row. Take 𝞂at = 150N/m2, 𝛕vf =100N/m2 and 𝞂pf =300 N/m2. Find also the efficiency of the joint.    
  (6 marks)

41. An ISMC 400@494 N/m carrying a pull of 1200 KN is to be connected to a gusset plate and overlap length is restricted to 300mm. Design the welded connection using 6mm fillets. Take 𝛕vf =108N/m2.

42. Compare lap joint and butt joint in the fasteners.  (4 marks)

43. What do you mean by rivet value? Explain it briefly.  (4 marks)

44. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of welded connections.  (4 marks)

45. Explain with the help of sketches: (a) Single V-butt joint  (b) Double V-butt joint (c) Square butt weld  (d) Double-Bevel butt joint   (4 marks)

46. A triple riveted double cover butt join is used for connecting two plates 15mm thick. The thickness of each cover plates is 10mm. 20mm φ rivets are used at 75mm pitch. Calculate the strength of the joint per pitch length and its efficiency. Take 𝞂at = 150N/m2, 𝛕vf =100N/m2 and 𝞂pf =300 N/m2.  (6 marks)

47. Design a lap joint to connect a plate 115mm x 10mm with the flange of a column. The joint should be designed to develop full strength of the plate. Take 𝞂at = 150N/m2, 𝛕vf =90N/m2 and 𝞂pf =270N/m2  (6 marks)

48. Design a welded connection for a tension member consisting of an ISMC 250@298.2 N/m to develop full strength of the member. The overlap length is limited to 300mm.Take 𝞂at = 150N/m2, 𝛕vf =108N/m2 and tw = 7.1mm, ISMC 250 = 3867 mm2. (6 marks)

49. Name the different rolled steel sections available in the market. Write their application briefly.    (4 marks)

50. Differentiate between lap joint and butt joint.  (4 marks)

51. What do you mean by rivet value? Explain efficiency of a riveted joint.   (4 marks)

52. Explain different types of fillet welds with sketches.  (4 marks)

53. Explain clearly various defects in weld.   (4 marks)

54. How do you calculate the net area of plates connected by chain riveting... (4 marks)

55. What is a plate girder? What are its elements?    (4 marks)

56. A single riveted butt joint is to be provided for connecting two plates 8mm thick with 16mm diameter rivets. Calculate suitable pitch and efficiency of the joint. Take 𝞂at = 150N/m2, 𝛕vf =100N/m2 and 𝞂pf =300N/m2.  (6 marks)

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