Geotechnical Engineering Previous Year solved Question Paper

 Geotechnical Engineering Previous Year solved Question Paper

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1. Geotechnical Engg. 2018 previous year solved MCQs

1. Geotechnical Engg. 2018 previous year solved MCQs( download  pdf ) 

1. Chemical weathering of soil is caused due to :
    a.     oxidation    
    b.     carbonation
    c.     hydration
    d.     all of these

d. all of these

2. Loess is silty clay formed by the action of :
    a.     water    
    b.     glacier
    c.     wind
    d.    gravitational force

c.     wind

3. The soil which contains finest grain particles is :
    a.     coarse sand   
    b.     fine sand
    c.     silt
    d.    clay

d.     clay

4. Maximum size of clay particles is :
    a.     0.002 mm   
    b.     0.04 mm
    c.     both a&b
    d.    none of these

a.     0.002

5. The ratio of volume of voids to the volume of soil solid in a given soil mass, is known :
    a.     porosity    
    b.     specific gravity
    c.     void ratio
    d.    water content

c.     void ratio

6. Valid range for degree of saturation (S) of soil in percentage is :
    a.     S > 0
    b.     S ≤ 0
    c.     0 100
    d.     0 ≤ S ≤ 100

d.     0 ≤ S ≤ 100

7. Void ratio of a soil mass can :
    a.     never be greater than unity
    b.     be zero
    c.     both a & b
    d.    none of these

d.    none of these

8. Select the correct range of density index :
    a.     ID > 0
    b.     ID ≤ 0
    c.     0 < ID 1
    d.     0 ≤ ID ≤ 1

d.     0 ≤ ID ≤ 1

9. If the natural water content of soil mass is lie between its liquid limit and plastic limit, the soil mass said to be in :
    a.     liquid state
    b.     plastic state
    c.     semi solid state
    d.    solid state

b.     plastic state

10. If the plasticity index of soil mass is zero, the soil is :
    a.     sand
    b.     silt
    c.     clay
    d.    clayey silt

a.     sand

11. If the  permeability of a soil is 0.8 mm/sec, the type of soil is :
    a.     gravel    
    b.     sand
    c.     silt
    d.    clay

b.     sand

12. Coefficient of consolidation of a soil is affected by :
    a.     compressibility
    b.     permeability
    c.     both a & b
    d.    none of these

c.     both a & b

13. Unconfined compressive strength test is :
    a.     undrained test
    b.     drained test
    c.     consolidated undrained test
    d.    consolidated drained test

a.     undrained test

14. The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of internal friction 30 degree is :
    a.     1/3
    b.     3
    c.     1
    d.    1/2

a.     1/3

15. Total lateral earth pressure is proportional to :
    a.     depth of soil
    b.     square depth of soil
    c.     angle of internal friction of soil
    d.    none of these

c.     angle of internal friction of soil

16. The settlement of a group of frictional piles as compared to that of a single pile is :
    a.     same
    b.     less
    c.     more
    d.    none of these

c.     more

17. Mechanical stabilization of soil is done with the help of :
    a.     cement
    b.     lime
    c.     bitumen
    d.    proper grading

d.    proper grading

18. Undisturbed samples are obtained by :
    a.     direct excavation
    b.     thin wall sampler
    c.     thick wall sampler
    d.    augers

b.     thin wall sampler

19. A soil having particles of nearly the same size is known as :
    a.     well graded
    b.     uniformly graded
    c.     poorly graded
    d.    gap graded

b.     uniformly graded

20. Under-reamed piles are generally :
    a.     driven piles
    b.     bored piles
    c.     precast piles
    d.    all of these

b.     bored piles 

2. Geotechnical Engg. 2019 previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf ) 

1. According to Indian standard, soil is defined as :
    a.     Substance that grows crops
    b.     Layer which develops plant life
    c.     Deposit of small particles after disintegration of rocks
    d.    Debris which is separated before quarrying
c.     Deposit of small particles after disintegration of rocks

2. Soil is considered as :
    a.     Single phase system
    b.     Double phase system
    c.     Triple phase system
    d.     Zero phase system

c.     Triple phase system

3. In saturated soil, value of degree of saturation is :
    a.     0.8
    b.     1.0
    c.     1.8
    d.    2.0

b.     1.0

4. The pores of soil having full of water, the soil is called :
    a.     Compressible soil
    b.     Wet soil
    c.     Partially saturated soil
    d.    Fully saturated soil

d.    Fully saturated soil

5. The value of unit weight of submerged soil is..... of unit weight of saturated soil of unit weight of water :
    a.     Addition
    b.     Substraction
    c.     Multiplication
    d.    Division

b.     Substraction

6. The void ratio of coarse grained soil is ....... than void ratio of the fine grained soil.
    a.     More
    b.     Less
    c.     Equal
    d.     None of these

b.     Less

7. The principle of Permeability of soil is given by :
    a.     Stoke's law
    b.     Newton's law
    c.     Coulumb's law
    d.     Darcy's law

d.     Darcy's law

8. Unit of Permeability is :
    a.     cm/sec2
    b.     cm/sec
    c.     cm2/sec
    d.     None of these

b.     cm/sec

9. Shear strength of sand is proportional to :
    a.     Sine of internal friction angle
    b.     Cosine of internal friction angle
    c.     Tangent of internal friction angle
    d.     Cosec of internal friction angle

c.     Tangent of internal friction angle

10. If the failure envelope of any soil represents cohesion=0 and internal friction angle = 30 degree, then soil is :
    a.     Cohesionless
    b.     Cohesive
    c.     Clayey
    d.     All of these

a.     Cohesionless

11. Compaction is :
    a.     Water expulsion from soil
    b.     Air expulsion of soil
    c.     Water and soil expulsion of soil
    d.     Organic matter expulsion of soil

b.     Air expulsion of soil

12. By compaction, the dry density of soil will :
    a.     Increase
    b.     Decrease
    c.     Be unchanged
    d.     Be the constant

a.     Increase

13. By compaction, the shear strength of soil will :
    a.     Increase
    b.     Decrease
    c.     Be unchanged
    d.     Be the constant

a.     Increase

14. In clayey soil, settlement process is going on for many years is called :
    a.     Compaction
    b.     Compression
    c.     Bulking
    d.     Consolidation

d.     Consolidation

15. In Modified Procter Test ......... times energy is received w.r.t energy received in Standard Proctor Test :
    a.     2 1/2
    b.     3 1/2
    c.     4 1/2
    d.     5 1/2

c.     4 1/2

16. The maximum pressure intensity causing shear failure of soil is known as :
    a.     Gross pressure intensity
    b.     Net ultimate bearing capacity
    c.     Safe bearing capacity
    d.     Net safe bearing capacity

b.     Net ultimate bearing capacity

17. The pressure of which shear failure does not occur without more settlement than standard settlement of structure is called :
    a.     Safe bearing capacity
    b.     Net safe bearing capacity
    c.     Allowable bearing capacity
    d.     Net pressure intensity

c.     Allowable bearing capacity

18. The disturbed sample of soil also may give good result in ........ testing :
    a.     Bearing capacity
    b.     Compaction
    c.     Permeability
    d.     Consolidation

a.     Bearing capacity

19. Tube containing soil sample is sealed with wax at both ends so that no change may occur in.. :
    a.     Void ratio
    b.     Natural water content
    c.     Liquid limit
    d.     Plastic limit

b.     Natural water content

20. The coefficient of active earth pressure is always.....the coefficient of passive earth pressure :
    a.     Less than
    b.     More than
    c.     Equal to
    d.     None of these

a.     Less than

3. Geotechnical Engg. 2020 previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. Soil transported by gravitational force is termed as :
    a.     Alluvial soil
    b.     Residual soil
    c.     Loess
    d.     Colluvial soil

d.     Colluvial soil

2. The maximum temperature recommended in the oven dry method for determination of moisture content is :
    a.     80°C
    b.     100°C
    c.     110°C
    d.     140°C

c.     110°C

3. Which of the following relation holds good ?
    a.     γ’ = γsat γw
    b.     γ’ = γsat + γw
     c.     γ’ = γsat  /γw
    d.     None of these

a.     γ’ γsat  γw

4. Porosity of a soil sample is 50%, its void ratio will be :
    a.     1
    b.     0.5
    c.     1
    d.     None of these

a.     1

5. The specific gravity of soil solid is determined by :
    a.     Density bottle
    b.     Pycnometer
    c.     Sand Bath method
    d.     Both a & b

d.     Both a & b

6. Sieve analysis is not possible for particles sizes smaller than :
    a.     75 mm
    b.     7.5 mm
    c.     0.75 mm
    d.     0.075 mm

d.     0.075 mm

7. The liquid limit minus plastic limit is termed as :
    a.     Toughness index
    b.     Plasticity index
    c.     Shrinkage index
    d.     Liquidity index

b.     Plasticity index

8. The effective size of a soil is :
    a.     D10
    b.     D20
    c.     D30
    d.     D60

a.     D10

9. The shape of the grove cut for the determination of liquid limit is :
    a.     V - Shaped
    b.     U - Shaped
    c.     Semi-circular shaped
    d.     None of these

a.     V - Shaped

10. The symbol 'SP' of soil group indicates :
    a.     Sands
    b.     Poorly graded sands
    c.     Well graded sands
    d.     Poorly graded gravels

b.     Poorly graded sands

11. Permeability varies approximately as the :
    a.     Square of the grain size
    b.     Grain size
    c.     Cube of the grain size
    d.     None of these

a.     Square of the grain size

12. Coefficient of permeability is usually expressed as :
    a.     cm/sec2
    b.     cm/sec
    c.     cm2/sec
    d.     None of these

d.     cm/sec

13. The process of compaction involves :
    a.     Expulsion of pore water
    b.     Expulsion of air voids
    c.     Expulsion of pore water and air voids
    d.     None of these

b.     Expulsion of air voids

14. In standard proctor test, the hammer is dropped from a height of :
    a.     10"
    b.     12"
    c.     18"
    d.     20"

b.     12"

15. The angle made by the failure envelope with horizontal in the Mohr's circle is :
    a.     Cohesion
    b.     Angle of internal friction
    c.     Angle of wall friction
    d.     Surcharge angle

b.     Angle of internal friction

16. In the triaxial shear test the intermediate principle stress is equal to :
    a.     Major principle stress
    b.     Deviator stress
    c.     Minor principle stress
    d.     None of these

c.     Minor principle stress

17. The maximum pressure which the soil can carry safely without risk of shear failure is called :
    a.     Safe bearing capacity
    b.     Net safe bearing capacity
    c.     Net ultimate bearing capacity
    d.     None of these

a.     Safe bearing capacity

18. The method of improving the engineering performance of soil with the help of admixture is  :
    a.     Soil exploration
    b.     Soil stabilization
    c.     Consolidation
    d.     None of these

b.     Soil stabilization

19. Stoke's law is used to of soil :
    a.     Permeability
    b.     Compaction
    c.     Consolidation
    d.     None of these

a.     Permeability

20. Coefficient of earth pressure (K) is equal to :
    a.     σv / σh
    b.     σ. σh
    c.     σh/ σv
    d.     None of these

c.     σh/ σv

4. Geotechnical Engg. 2021 previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. A fully saturated soil is said to be :
    a.     One phase system
    b.     Two phase system with soil and air
    c.     Two phase system with soil and water
    d.     Three phase system

c.     Two phase system with soil and water

2. Which of the following soils has the finest grains :
    a.     Sands
    b.     Silts
    c.     Fine sands
    d.     Clays

d.     Clays

3. Coefficient of permeability is usually expressed as :
    a.     cm/sec2
    b.     cm/sec
    c.     cm2/sec
    d.     None of these

b.     cm/sec

4. According to IS classification, the range of silt size particle is :
    a.     4.75 mm to 2.00 mm
    b.     2.00 mm to 0.425 mm
    c.     0.425 mm to 0.075 mm
    d.     0.075 mm to 0.002 mm

d.     0.075 mm to 0.002 mm

5. The shear strength of a soil.............. :
    a.     is proportional to the cohesion of the soil
    b.     is proportional to the tangent of internal friction
    c.     increases with the increase in normal stress of soil
    d.     All of these

d.     All of these

6. A pycnometer is used to determine......... :
    a.     Water content and void ratio
    b.     Specific gravity and dry density
    c.     Water content and specific gravity
    d.     Void ratio and dry density

c.     Water content and specific gravity

7. The ratio of weight of water to the wieght of soil solids in a given soil mass is called :
    a.     Degree of saturation
    b.     Soil fraction
    c.     Wetness fraction
    d.    water content

d.    water content

8. The soil which are transported by running water known as :
    a.     Alluvial soil
    b.     Marine soil
    c.     Aeolian soil
    d.    Lacustrine soil

a.     Alluvial soil

9. Minimum size of silt particle is.. :
    a.     0.001 mm
    b.     0.002 mm
    c.     0.04 mm
    d.    0.06 mm

b.     0.002 mm

10. Co-efficient of curvature for a well graded soil is in the range..... :
    a.     1 to 3
    b.     3 to 5
    c.     5 to 7
    d.    7 to 10

a.     1 to 3

11. Permeability of soil is not affected by... :
    a.     Grain size
    b.     Void ratio of soil℃℃℃℃
    c.     Atmospheric pressure
    d.    Structural arrangement of soil particle

c.     Atmospheric pressure

12. During water content determination of soil, the wet soil is dried in an oven for 24 hours at.. :
    a.     120
    b.     155
    c.     105
    d.    100

c.     105

13. Bearing capacity should be calculated from the criteria :
    a.     Shear only
    b.     Settlement only
    c.     Shear and settlement both
    d.    None of these

c.     Shear and settlement both

14. In plate load test, minimum size of square plate is to be of :
    a.     10 cm side
    b.     20 cm side
    c.     30 cm side
    d.    50 cm wide

c.     30 cm side

15. Fine grained soil are sub-divided into.. :
    a.     Silt and clay
    b.     Sand and clay
    c.     Organic and silt
    d.    Gravel and peat

a.     Silt and clay

16. According to IS classification, the symbol GC means :
    a.     Clayey gravel
    b.     Silty gravel
    c.     Sand gravel
    d.    Well graded gravel

a.     Clayey gravel

17. Falling head permeability test can be used for :
    a.     Coarse grained soil
    b.     Peat
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    Less permeable soil

d.    Less permeable soil

18. Net bearing capacity is .... ultimate bearing capacity :
    a.     More than
    b.     Less than
    c.     Equal to
    d.    None of these

b.     Less than

19. The pores of soil having full of water, the soil is called :
    a.     Compressible soil
    b.     Wet soil
    c.     Partially saturated soil
    d.    Fully saturated soil

d.    Fully saturated soil

20. Triaxial compression test is used to find.......of soil :
    a.     Compressive strength
    b.     Permeability
    c.     Specific gravity
    d.    Shear strength

d.    Shear strength

5. Geotechnical Engg. 2022 (Old) previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. Residual soil are formed by :
    a.     Water
    b.     Wind
    c.     Glacier
    d.    None of these

d.    None of these

2. The void ratio of coarse grained soil is.....than the void ratio of fine grained soil . 
    a.     Less
    b.     More
    c.     Equal
    d.    All of these

a.     Less

3. The pores of soil having full of water, then the soil is called :
    a.     Wet soil
    b.     Compressible soil
    c.     Fully saturated soil
    d.    All of these

c.     Fully saturated soil

4. A pycnometer is used :
    a.     To determine void ratio
    b.     To determine specific gravity
    c.     To determine water content
    d.    Both b & c

d.    Both b & c

5. The standard fall of liquid limit apparatus is kept :
    a.     0.5 cm
    b.     1.0 cm
    c.     1.5 cm
    d.    2.0 cm

b.     1.0 cm

6. If the liquid limit of soil is 30 % and plastic limit of that soil is 10%, the plasticity index will be:
    a.     40 %
    b.     20 %
    c.     30 %
    d.    Zero

b.     20 %

7. If porosity of any soil sample is 25 %, then the value of void ratio of that soil sample will be :
    a.     0.67
    b.     0.33
    c.     1.0
    d.    1.2

b.     0.33

8. If the void ratio of any soil sample is 0.40, the porosity of that soil sample will be :
    a.     28 %
    b.     28.6 %
    c.     28.9 %
    d.    30 %

b.     28.6 %

9. The uniformity coefficient of soil is :
    a.     D30/D10
    b.     D60/D10
    c.     D60/D30 x D10
    d.    D30/D10 x D60

b.     D60/D10

10. Soil classification of composite soils exclusively based on the particle size distribution is known as:
    a.     Textured classification
    b.     Particle size classification
    c.     Highway research board classification
    d.    None of these

a.     Textured classification

11. If the permeability coefficient of soil is 10 cm/sec, the soil is :
    a.     Clay
    b.     Gravel
    c.     Sand
    d.    None of these

b.     Gravel

12. According to Darcy's law, velocity of laminar flow in saturated soil hydraulic gradient :
    a.     Proportional
    b.     Inversely Proportional
    c.     Equal
    d.    None of these

a.     Proportional

13. The multiplication of coefficient of active earth pressure and passive earth pressure is :
    a.     0
    b.     1
    c.     2
    d.    1.5

b.     1

14. The coefficient of active earth pressure is equal to :
    a.     1-sin∅ / 1+ sin∅
    b.     1-tan∅ / 1+ tan
    c.     1+sin∅ / 1- sin∅
    d.    None of these

a.     1-sin∅ / 1+ sin∅

15. The maximum pressure that the soil can carry safely without shear failure is called  :
    a.     Unlimited bearing capacity
    b.     Safe bearing capacity
    c.     Net pressure intensity
    d.    None of these

b.     Safe bearing capacity

16. ........ affects bearing capacity of soil:
    a.     Quantity of soil
    b.     Shape of soil particles
    c.     Ground water table
    d.    None of these

c.     Ground water table

17. The minimum depth of soil exploration below a footing shall be at least :
    a.     Thrice the width of footing
    b.     Twice the width of footing
    c.     Equal to the width of footing
    d.    Four times the width of footing

b.     Twice the width of footing

18. Plate load test is of :
    a.     Short duration
    b.     Medium duration
    c.     Long duration
    d.    Very long duration

a.     Short duration

19. The cutting edge of a sampling tube has the outer diameter of 75 mm and wall thickness of 1.7 mm. Area ratio of sampling tube will be :
    a.     9.27 %
    b.     8.9 %
    c.     4.7 %
    d.    0 %

c.     4.7 %

20. Bearing capacity should be calculated from the criteria of :
    a.     Shear only
    b.     Shear and settlement both
    c.     Settlement only
    d.    None of these

b.     Shear and settlement both

6. Geotechnical Engg. 2022 (New) previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. After disintegration of rock, the soil deposited at that place is called :
    a.     Alluvial soil
    b.     Transported soil
    c.     Residual soil
    d.    None of these

c.     Residual soil

2. The diagram showing water, soil solid and air at a time is called :
    a.     Diphase diagram
    b.     Three phase diagram
    c.     Single phase diagram
    d.    None of these

b.     Three phase diagram

3. The suitable method for determination of water content of a coarse grained soil is :
    a.     Alcohol method
    b.     Pycnometer method
    c.     Oven drying method
    d.    All of these

b.     Pycnometer method

4. The apertures of IS sieve 300 micron is :
    a.     0.0300 mm
    b.     30 mm
    c.     0.003 mm
    d.    0.300 mm

d.    0.300 mm

5. Dry density of soil is affected by :
    a.     Compaction
    b.     Type of soil
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    None of these

c.     Both a & b

6. The quantity of water on which maximum dry density is observed during compaction is called :
    a.     Saturated soil
    b.     Optimum water content
    c.     Semi saturated soil
    d.    None of these

b.     Optimum water content

7. Permeability of soil is directly proportional to :
    a.     Temperatures of  percolating water
    b.     Viscosity of  percolating water
    c.     Density of  percolating water
    d.    All of these

d.    All of these

8. The permeability of saturated soil is :
    a.     Less than permeability of unsaturated soil
    b.     More than permeability of unsaturated soil
    c.     Equal than permeability of unsaturated soil
    d.    All of these

b.     More than permeability of unsaturated soil

9. The passive earth pressure earth pressure :
    a.     Less than
    b.     More than
    c.     Equal to
    d.    None of these

b.     More than

10. The earth pressure at rest is calculated on :
    a.     Elastic theory
    b.     Plastic theory
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    None of these

a.     Elastic theory

11. If the void ratio of any soil sample is 0.40, the porosity of that sample will be :
    a.     28 %
    b.     28.6 %
    c.     28.9 %
    d.    29 %

b.     28.6 %

12. The coefficient of active earth pressure is equal to :
    a.     1-sinϕ / 1+ sinϕ
    b.     1-tanϕ / 1+tanϕ
    c.     1+sinϕ / 1-sinϕ
    d.    1+tanϕ / 1-tanϕ

a.     1-sinϕ / 1+ sinϕ

13. The maximum pressure that the soil can carry safely without shear failure is called :
    a.     Ultimate bearing capacity
    b.     Net pressure intensity
    c.     Safe bearing capacity
    d.    Gross bearing capacity

a.     Ultimate bearing capacity

14. If the coefficient of active earth pressure is 0.25, the coefficient of passive earth pressure will be :
    a.     4
    b.     2.5
    c.     1/8
    d.    None of these

a.     4

15. The bearing capacity of the soil can be increased :
    a.     By increasing depth of foundation
    b.     By compaction of soil
    c.     By both process
    d.    None of these

c.     By both process

16. The angle between horizontal and state adopted by soil is called :
    a.     Internal friction angle
    b.     Hydraulic gradient
    c.     Angle of repose
    d.    None of these

c.     Angle of repose

17. The property of soil by which the flow of water is through under ground boxes is called :
    a.     Seepage
    b.     Permeability
    c.     Porosity
    d.    All of these

b.     Permeability

18. The maximum water content of soil at which reduction in water content does not affects its volume is called :
    a.     Liquid limit
    b.     Plastic limit
    c.     Shrinkage limit
    d.    None of these

c.     Shrinkage limit

19. The maximum temperature recommended in the oven drying method for the determination of moisture contain is :
    a.     80⁰C
    b.     100⁰C
    c.     110⁰C
    d.    130⁰C

c.     110⁰C

20. Which of the following relation hold good  :
    a.    ϒ'= ϒsat-ϒw
    b.     ϒ'= ϒsat+ϒw
    c.     ϒ'= ϒsat/ϒw
    d.    ϒ'= ϒw/ϒsat

a.    ϒ'= ϒsat-ϒw

7. Geotechnical Engg.(odd) 2022 New Syllabus previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. Soil transported by gravitational force are termed as :
    a.     Colluvial soil
    b.     Alkaline soil
    c.     Alluvial soil
    d.    Residual soil

a.     Colluvial soil

2. ............ is placed generally under organic soil :
    a.     Peat
    b.     Clay
    c.     sand
    d.    None of these

a.     Peat

3. The void ratio of coarse grained soil is ....... than the void ratio of fine grained soil :
    a.     Less 
    b.     More
    c.     Equal
    d.    All of these

a.     Less

4. The pores of soil having full of water, then the soil is called :
    a.     Wet soil
    b.     Fully saturated soil
    c.     Compressed soil
    d.    All of these

b.     Fully saturated soil

5. If porosity of any soil sample is 25 %, the value of void ratio of that soil sample will be :
    a.     0.67
    b.     0.33
    c.     1.0
    d.    1.2

b.     0.33

6. A pycnometer is used :
    a.     To determine void ratio
    b.     To determine water content
    c.     To determine dry density
    d.    None of these

b.     To determine water content

7. The standard fall of liquid limit apparatus is kept :
    a.     0.5 cm
    b.     1.00 cm
    c.     1.5 cm
    d.    2.00 cm

b.     1.00 cm

8. If liquid limit of soil is 30 % and plastic limit of that soil is 10 %, the plasticity index will be :
    a.     40 %
    b.     20 %
    c.     30 %
    d.    15 %

b.     20 %

9. Stoke's law is used to of soil :
    a.     Permeability
    b.     Compaction
    c.     Particle size
    d.    All of these

a.     Permeability

10. If the permeability coefficent of soil is 10 cm/sec, the soil is :
    a.     Clay
    b.     Gravel
    c.     Sand
    d.    All of these

b.     Gravel

11. According to Darcy's law, velocity of laminar flow in saturated soil hydraulic gradient
    a.     Proportional
    b.     Equal
    c.     Inversely proportional
    d.    All of these

a.     Proportional

12. The multiplication of coefficient of active earth pressure and coefficient of passive earth pressure equal to :
    a.     0
    b.     1
    c.     2
    d.    1/2

b.     1

13. .......... affects bearing capacity of soil :
    a.     Quantity of solid
    b.     Ground water table
    c.     Shape of soil particles
    d.    All of these

b.     Ground water table

14. The value of void ratio becomes minimum when the soil is in :
    a.     Dense state
    b.     Loose state
    c.     Wet state
    d.    None of these

a.     Dense state

15. The effective size of soil particle is :
    a.     D60
    b.     D40
    c.     D20
    d.    D10

d.    D10

16. If the porosity of soil sample is 50%, its void ratio will be :
    a.     1.5
    b.     1
    c.     0.5
    d.    2

b.     1

17. The ratio of total void of soil to the total volume of soil mass is called :
    a.     Degree of saturation
    b.     Porosity
    c.     Void ratio
    d.    None of these

b.     Porosity

18. The method of improving the engineering performance of soil with the help of admixture is called :
    a.     Soil exploration
    b.     Soil stabilization
    c.     Consolidation
    d.    None of these

 b.     Soil stabilization

19. The process of compaction involves :
    a.     Expulsion of pore water
    b.     Expulsion of air voids
    c.     Expulsion of pore water and air voids
    d.    None of these

b.     Expulsion of air voids

20. Shear strength of soil is determined by the equation :
    a.     S=C+𝛔tan𝛟
    b.     S=C-𝛔tan𝛟
    c.     S=C+𝛔tan𝛟/z
    d.    All of these

a.     S=C+𝛔tan𝛟

8. Geotechnical Engg. 2022 (Special Exam) New Syllabus previous year solved MCQs ( download pdf

1. The effective size of soil particle is :
    a.     D60
    b.     D40
    c.     D20
    d.    D10

d.    D10

2. Talus is a :
    a.     Colluvial soil
    b.     Aeolian soil
    c.     Alluvial soil
    d.    None of these

a.     Colluvial soil

3. As per IS specification, size of clayey soil is usually :
    a.     Less than 0.002 mm
    b.     0.002 mm
    c.     Greater than 0.002 mm
    d.    None of these

a.     Less than 0.002 mm

4. A fully saturated soil said to be :
    a.     Two phase system with soil and water
    b.     One phase system
    c.     Two phase system with soil and air
    d.    Three phase system

a.     Two phase system with soil and water

5. Which of the following method is more suitable for determining permeability of coarse grained soil ?
    a.     Falling head method
    b.     Constant head method
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    None of these

b.     Constant head method

6. Permeability varies approximately as the :
    a.     Square of the grain size
    b.     Cube of the grain size
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    None of these

a.     Square of the grain size

7. A pycnometer is used to determine :
    a.     Water content and specific gravity
    b.     Void ratio
    c.     Both a & b
    d.    None of these

a.     Water content and specific gravity

8. The maximum temperature recommended in the oven drying method for the determination of moisture content is :
    a.     80⁰C
    b.     100⁰C
    c.     110⁰C
    d.    130⁰C

c.     110⁰C

9. Compaction is :
    a.     Water expulsion from soil
    b.     Air expulsion of soil
    c.     Both a & b
    d.     None of these

b.     Air expulsion of soil

10. By compaction, the dry density of soil will :
    a.     Increase
    b.     Decrease
    c.     Be unchanged
    d.     Be the constant

a.     Increase

11. If the failure envelope of any soil represents cohesion=0 and internal friction angle = 30 degree, then soil is :
    a.     Cohesionless
    b.     Cohesive
    c.     Clayey
    d.     All of these

a.     Cohesionless

12. Coefficient of earth pressure (K) is equal to :
    a.     σv / σh
    b.     σ. σh
    c.     σh/ σv
    d.     None of these

c.     σh/ σv

13. With the increase in the amount of compaction energy :
    a.     Optimum moisture content increases
    b.     Optimum moisture content unchanged
    c.     Optimum moisture content decreases
    d.    None of these

c.     Optimum moisture content decreases

14. During seepage through soil, direction of seepage is always :
    a.     Parallel to equipotential line
    b.     Perpendicular to equipotential line
    c.     Perpendicular to flow line
    d.     None of these

b.     Perpendicular to equipotential line

15. The coefficient of active earth pressure is always.....the coefficient of passive earth pressure :
    a.     Less than
    b.     More than
    c.     Equal to
    d.     None of these

a.     Less than

16. The method of improving the engineering performance of soil with the help of admixture is called :
    a.     Soil exploration
    b.     Soil stabilization
    c.     Consolidation
    d.    None of these

 b.     Soil stabilization

17. The ultimate bearing capacity of soil is :
    a.     Total load on the bearing area
    b.     Load at which soil fails
    c.     Safe load on bearing area
    d.     All of these

b.     Load at which soil fails

18. An example of cohesive soil is :
    a.     Red earth
    b.     Sand
    c.     Black cotton soil
    d.     None of these

c.     Black cotton soil

19. Valid range for the degree of saturation of soil is :
    a.     S<0
    b.     S > 0
    c.     0
    d.     0<S <0

d.     0<S <0

20. The shear strength of a soil :
    a.     Increases with an increase in normal stress
    b.     Is generally known as the strength of soil
    c.     Proportional to the cohesion of soil
    d.     All of these

d.     All of these

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